14.2.8 REST Person Enabled notification

The REST Person Enabled event sends a notification to a REST web service when a person's account is enabled in MyID.

If you configure an external system with the name REST Person Enabled and specify the corresponding mapping file RESTPersonEnabled.xml, you can configure MyID to respond to the event with the following. Endpoint

POST /people/{People.ObjectID}/personEnabled Data

  "person": {
    "id": "<object ID of the person>",
    "account": {
      "dn": "<person Distinguished Name>",
      "domain": "<domain>",
      "samAccountName": "<SAM account name>",
      "upn": "<UPN>"
    "contact": {
      "emailAddress": "<email>"
    "employeeId": "<employee id>",
    "enabled": "1",
    "name": {
      "first": "<first name>",
      "fullName": "<full name>",
      "last": "<last name>"
    "group": {
      "id": "<object ID of the group>",
      "name": "<group name>"
    "logonName": "<logon name>"
} Expected response

A 200 OK response in the event of success.